Tribute to Johanne Strahan

May 14, 1931 – June 11, 2021

In 2021, The Music School of Delaware lost a key person in the musical life of the school, of her family, and of Wilmington.

Johanne Strahan, an accomplished biochemist who had a long tenure at the DuPont Company, was an ardent music lover. She loved to listen to music, talk about music and musicians, and she hosted musicians of all ages at her home for concerts. She encouraged and supported the availability of music for everyone and relished her own music-making as an avid student of piano and music theory. Johanne always kept learning.

Johanne was a devoted volunteer for the Music School, serving a six-year term on the Board, and several years as its Chair. She was one of the first circle of inductees to the school’s Centennial Council. She gave her time as well as her financial support over several decades and developed close relationships with a number of the Music School faculty. She watched young musicians of the school grow and develop, and often helped advance their experiences by offering her home and her treasured grand pianos to them for additional performance opportunities.

Thank you for honoring Johanne Strahan with a memorial gift. All proceeds will support The Music School of Delaware.

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This organization is supported, in part, by a grant from the Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts. The Division promotes Delaware arts events on

The Music School of Delaware is proud to be an active partner in the IN Wilmington Arts Campaign.