4101 Washington Street
Wilmington, DE 19802
23 N. Walnut Street
Milford, DE 19963
Return to Private Lessons
Private Study – Frequently Asked Questions
What should I do if I’m sick?
Please help keep our school healthy by staying home if you are sick! Call the Front Desk by 10:00 a.m. to let us know of your absence and to qualify for a make-up lesson (one per semester).What if I need to miss a lesson for some other reason?
Regular attendance is expected of all students, so please make every effort to attend. If you must miss a lesson, please be courteous and let your teacher know in advance.I broke my arm - what should I do?
In the case of extreme illness, such as a broken bone, you may elect temporary discontinuance. Contact the Registrar or Milford Branch Front Desk to let us know the exact dates of the discontinuance before it begins. Notice to the teacher is not sufficient.What if my teacher is absent?
Your teacher will contact you if he/she needs to postpone a lesson and will work with you to schedule a make-up lesson.How do I schedule a make-up lesson?
All make-up lessons are arranged through your teacher. Lessons will only be made up for student illness (one per semester), teacher absence or emergency school closing. Make-up days are built in to the calendar to facilitate rescheduling; see the calendar on the reverse side for dates. Your teacher should offer you two reasonable dates for a make-up lesson; if you decline both offers, the make-up lesson will be forfeited.How will I know if the school is closed for snow?
A message will be posted on the school’s website and voicemail, or tune in to one of the following stations:Wilmington
WILM 1450 AMWDEL 1150 AM
WSTW 93.7 FM
WJBR 99.5 FM
KYW 1060 AM
WBOC Channel 16EAGLE 97.7 FM
COOL 101.3 FM
How can I change my lesson day/time?
Contact the Registrar or Milford Branch Front Desk to make permanent changes to your lesson schedule.REGISTRATION & ENROLLMENT
How long do lessons run?
Enrollment for private lessons is for the entire academic year: two 18-week semesters from September to June. A separate summer term runs from June to August.When can I register for lessons?
Registration is ongoing throughout the academic year and tuition will be prorated as applicable. Summer registration typically begins in March; academic year registration begins in May for returning students or June for new students.How do new students find a teacher?
The Student Services team will suggest a teacher for you based on the student’s age, musical background, ability, goals and scheduling preferences. You may also request an sample lesson with a prospective teacher before beginning lessons ($35 fee).What is priority registration?
Returning private study students have the option to register early to better ensure preferred schedule and instructor availability.BILLING & DISCONTINUANCE
What fees do I need to pay to register?
A $55 nonrefundable deposit is due each year when you submit your registration form and will be applied to charges on your bill, including the annual registration fee ($50 for each student) and tuition.When is tuition due?
Families are invoiced automatically upon registration. Pay-in-full invoices are due within 30 days. Payment plan invoices will be automatically billed if a saved credit card is used, otherwise families are invoiced by email.What happens if I miss a payment?
Unpaid balances may result in the suspension of lessons/classes/ensemble rehearsals. If paying in full, balances must be paid within 30 days of invoice receipt. If paying monthly, the monthly balance must be paid immediately upon receipt. If a saved credit card has been used, it will be automatically charged on either the 1st or the 15th of the month, per the families preference.Does the school offer tuition assistance or scholarships?
Yes! Tuition Assistance/Financial Aid Forms are available from the Front Desk or on our website (fillable version | non-fillable version) and aid is awarded subject to availability of funds. Merit scholarships are also available for students who have achieved a high level of music proficiency. Students are nominated by their teachers and scholarship auditions are held each spring.What if I want to stop taking lessons?
You may only discontinue without penalty between the fall and spring semesters. Contact the Student Services team (302-762-1132) before January 15th if you intend to discontinue. Notice to the teacher is not sufficient. If you stop lessons prior to the end of a semester, you are still liable for the full semester’s tuition. Medical related exceptions only.Who should I call if I have a question about my bill?
Contact the Student Services team at 302-762-1132, for any questions about billing, tuition or tuition assistance.Return to top
This organization is supported, in part, by a grant from the Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts. The Division promotes Delaware arts events on www.DelawareScene.com.

The Music School of Delaware is proud to be an active partner in the IN Wilmington Arts Campaign.

The Music School of Delaware is proud to be an active partner in the IN Wilmington Arts Campaign.