4101 Washington Street
Wilmington, DE 19802
23 N. Walnut Street
Milford, DE 19963
For competitions, please click here.
Students who qualify may be funded for one year and, if otherwise qualifying, may receive additional funding for a second year. No student can receive funding for more than two years. First-year awards may cover up to 100% of tuition and instrument rental or purchase with a maximum first-year award of $5,000 per qualifying applicant. If a student qualifies for funding for a second year, that award may cover up to 50% of tuition and instrument rental or purchase up to a maximum of $5,000.
Applications for the Northrop scholarship can be requested at the front desk of either Branch, or by contacting Madeline Perri, Financial Aid Officer, at mperri@musicschoolofdelaware.org.
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Scholarship Opportunities
Mary Ellen Northrop Endowed Fund for Music Education
The Mary Ellen Northrop Endowed Fund for Music Education of The Music School of Delaware is administered in accordance with the instructions provided in the Northrop Trust document. Students may apply who are pre-school through high-school age who are in public, private, or parochial schools, or are homeschooled, and who are students at The Music School of Delaware. (Per the Trust instructions, charter school students are not eligible). Qualifying students may study at any of the locations at which the Music School carries out instructional activity, including Branch locations, satellites, and/or outreach sites. Instruction in all orchestra and band instruments, piano, organ, and voice may be covered. (Per the Trust instructions, guitar study is not covered.) In addition, music classes (including but not limited to musicianship, music theory, and composition), Early Childhood classes, ensembles, the MELODY program, and the Suzuki Academy are eligible. Instrument rental or purchase may be included as well.Students who qualify may be funded for one year and, if otherwise qualifying, may receive additional funding for a second year. No student can receive funding for more than two years. First-year awards may cover up to 100% of tuition and instrument rental or purchase with a maximum first-year award of $5,000 per qualifying applicant. If a student qualifies for funding for a second year, that award may cover up to 50% of tuition and instrument rental or purchase up to a maximum of $5,000.
Applications for the Northrop scholarship can be requested at the front desk of either Branch, or by contacting Madeline Perri, Financial Aid Officer, at mperri@musicschoolofdelaware.org.
Estella Hillersohn Frankel Scholarship Fund
The Estella Hillersohn Frankel Scholarship Fund was established in 1982 to promote and advance the study of violin. A grant or grants will be made annually to the recipient(s) chosen by the panel of judges. The grant(s) will be made for an enrichment program or opportunity for a violinist or violinists. Opportunities such as (but not limited to) the following will be considered: workshops, master classes, music camps, chamber music, large ensemble, music theory, etc. The scholarship is for an enrichment opportunity and, for this reason, private lessons and instrument purchases or maintenance are not eligible for funding. The competition is open to both students of the Music School and outside students.Honor Awards (Merit Scholarships) and Jacqueline Beach Faulcon Scholarships
Download the fillable application form here.Return to top
This organization is supported, in part, by a grant from the Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts. The Division promotes Delaware arts events on www.DelawareScene.com.

The Music School of Delaware is proud to be an active partner in the IN Wilmington Arts Campaign.

The Music School of Delaware is proud to be an active partner in the IN Wilmington Arts Campaign.